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Grip Seal Bags - Zip Lock Bags

Re-sealable strip bags are available with or without a writable area.

The strip is re-sealable and is suitable for repeated use. A hook-up eye (punch hole) or euro groove can be included above the strip to allow the strip to be hung from a hook. Strip bags are standard made of 50 microns polyethylene (LDPE) and are 100% recyclable. The bags with a writable area have three writing tabs to enable a description to be applied in pen or marker. Printed text is also available if desired.

The bags are available in different sizes and are therefore suitable for packaging products of various sizes. Possible applications are preserving or sending beads, jewellery, screws, components, coins, stamps, manuals, clothing patterns and the airtight dispatch of clothing etc. Strip bags are also water repellent and lightweight.

Product properties

• Transparent
• Keep products free of dust, dirt, water etc.
• Flexible and tear resistant
• Fast and securely sealable

Also available as "Budget line" (45 µm). These gripseal bags have a transparant closing strip. Available with or without writing area and round punch hole or Euro punch depending on the size.


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